Computer Superheroes

Brendan Eich

Birth: July 4, 1961 (Pittsburg Pennsylvania) – current day.

Major Academic Events

Brendan Eich went on to pursue his education at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, then at Santa Clara University. While there, he obtained his bachelor’s and master’s degree in mathematics and computer science. To being his successful career, he began working at Silicon Graphics for 7 years. Throughout this time, he would gain the experience of operating systems and network code. He specialized in the field of coding, even creating his own language, JavaScript, a renowned coding script. Because of this, he won the Ecma Fellow Award (2014).

Contributions to Computer Science

Created JavaScript, an OOP programing script. It’s like Java. CEO of the Mozilla Foundation. (This non-profit organization helped ensured that the Internet remains a public resource accessible to all.) Mozilla is known for creating the web browser, Mozilla Firefox. The language JavaScript has led the way for many different web designers, as JavaScript is one of the main languages used for creating websites. Because of this, web designing has become easier and more accessible to everyone, allowing for the further spread of information.

